1.-create pool_backup in order asigning a minimum 4 and maximun 6
We added in the poolnew file all the configuration for the new poolroot@sol:/# cat poolnew
create pset backup-pset (uint pset.min = 4; uint pset.max = 6)create pool pool_backup
associate pool pool_backup (pset backup-pset)
2.-Apply the changes
root@sol:/# pooladm -c 3.-Check the new pool information added
root@sol:/# poolcfg –c info 4.-Now you can see that we have a new pool "pool_backup" with 6 vcpu added and the default that is used by the global
root@sol:/# poolstatpset
id pool size used load
1 pool_backup 6 0.00 0.01
0 pool_default 10 0.00 0.12
5.-we will modify the zone configuration in order to assign it to the new cpu pool "pool_backup"
root@sol:/#root@sol:/# zoneadm list -civ
6 backup-zone running /zones/backup-zone native shared
6.-We will add the following information editing the zone configuration "pool and cpu-shares" as you see below, where the limit is to 6, as the poolstat command showed previously
root@sol:/# zonecfg -z backup-zone
zonecfg:backup-zone>; set pool=pool_backup
zonecfg:backup-zone>; verify
zonecfg:backup-zone>; commit
zonecfg:backup-zone>; end
zonecfg:backup-zone>; set name=zone.cpu-shares
zonecfg:backup-zone>; add rctl
zonecfg:backup-zone:rctl>; set name=zone.cpu-shares
zonecfg:backup-zone:rctl>; add value (priv=privileged,limit=6,action=none)
zonecfg:backup-zone:rctl>; end
zonecfg:backup-zone>; exit root@sol:/#
7.-After performing the changes you will need to reboot the zone in order to do the changes
root@sol:/# zoneadm -z backuppc-zone rebootroot@sol:/# zoneadm list -civ
0 global running / native shared
1 backup-zone running /zones/backup-zone native shared
8.- Now you can see with the psrinfo command the vcpu assigned to the zone in this case six "6"
Last login: Mon May 11 12:47:09 from
-bash-3.2# psrinfo -vp
The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (0-5)SPARC64-VII (portid 1024 impl 0x7 ver 0x91 clock 2400 MHz)
-bash-3.2# exit
9.-This is the part that is interesting, becasuse if we need more vcpu or processing for this zone you can increase them on the fly.
Actually we have the following 16 vcpu distributed in 6 for the pool_backup and the rest for the pool_default
id pool size used load
1 pool_backup 6 0.00 0.01
0 pool_default 10 0.00 0.12
root@sol:/# poolcfg -c 'modify pset backup-pset ( uint pset.min = 4; uint pset.max = 8)'
root@sol:/# pooladm -croot@sol:/# poolstat
id pool size used load
1 pool_backupp 8 0.00 0.02
0 pool_default 8 0.00 0.18
You can see that we have been taken from pool_default two "2" in order to assign to pool_backup
Important: The Global Zone always will need 4 vcpu to process all your need, it is the minimun requirement to take in count.