How to do export excluding objects.
1- On this example we exclude tables that begin with "A"
expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp SCHEMAS=SCOTT EXCLUDE=TABLE:"like 'A%'"
2- On this example we include tables that begin with "A"
expdp scott/tiger DIRECTORY=data_pump_dir DUMPFILE=scott_schema.dmp SCHEMAS=SCOTT INCLUDE=TABLE:"like 'A%'"
TambiƩn se puede usar el include y exclude para los INDEXES, CONSTRAINTS, GRANTS, USER, SCHEMA
3- Here we can filter rows in the export file
expdp hr/hr QUERY=emp:'"WHERE dept_id > 10 AND sal > 10000"' NOLOGFILE=y DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=exp1.dmp NOLOGFILE=y DIRECTORY=dpump_dir1 DUMPFILE=exp1.dmp