- Restore information for client TANGO from Backup Server Networker
prompt 'recover -c {cliente}'
#recover -c tango
- The recover prompt will be enable to perform the restore of one file o many files, you can use "?" in order to have information about what commands you can use (Help)
> recover> ?
- You will need to ask to the customer the date in order to restore from the date required in this case Month/Day/Year (mm/dd/yyyy)
recover>changetime 03/05/2010
- Once we have selected the date required to the restore we can go to the directory where the file or files is located
recover#cd /var/adm
- You can perform a "ls" command or list with the complete path if you want in this case, we will restore the messages.0
recover> ls /var/adm/messages.0
- If the file or files is available to recover you can add it, you can add directories or one file
recover# add /var/adm/messages.0
- Verify the volume where the information is stored
recover> volumes
Volumes needed (all near-line):
A00003 at SL-8500
- In order to know what files or file are marked to restore, you can use the comand list
recover> list
- In case that the tape is not available in the Library and you need to put it inside the Library you will need to run the followings commands in order to recognice the tape and the information inside it, this is called inventory
root@XXXXX#nsrjb -a -T Volumen Name
root@XXXXX#nsrjb -I -S Numero de Slot
- Put the directory where we need to restore the information
new destination directory: /var/tmp
- Validate the destination
recover into /var/tmp
Begin the recover information
If you want to restore the file in the same directory, the tools will be asking you about if you want to overwrite or rename it