How to see last query executed.

Last query executed and the user that who was the owner of them.

select distinct vs.sql_text, vs.sharable_mem,vs.persistent_mem, vs.runtime_mem, vs.sorts, vs.executions, vs.parse_calls,
vs.module,vs.buffer_gets, vs.disk_reads, vs.version_count,vs.users_opening, vs.loads,to_char(to_date(vs.first_load_time,      'YYYY-MM-DD/HH24:MI:SS'),'MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') first_load_time,
rawtohex(vs.address) address, vs.hash_value hash_value , rows_processed , vs.command_type, vs.parsing_user_id      ,OPTIMIZER_MODE , au.USERNAME parseuser
from v$sqlarea vs , all_users au
where (parsing_user_id != 0)
AND (au.user_id(+)=vs.parsing_user_id)
and (executions >= 1) order by buffer_gets/executions desc;
