How to configure a Pool/Pset and Assing it to the Solaris Zone
Generate a file with the information below
#vi poolnew
create pset backup-pset (uint pset.min = 4; uint pset.max = 6)
create pool pool_backup
associate pool pool_backup (pset backup-pset)
Now we have a minimun pset set in 4 and maximum set in 6 for a pool named backup in order to create our new pool_backup
In the poolnew we have the configuration file in order to create the pool (line 2) and pset with min and max values, finally the association the all the information to the pool
# cat poolnew
create pset backup-pset (uint pset.min = 4; uint pset.max = 6)
create pool pool_backup
associate pool pool_backup (pset backup-pset)
In the poolnew, now we have the configuration file in order to create the pool (line 2) and pset with min and max values, finally the association the all the information to the pool
Apply the configuration with pooladm command
# pooladm -c
After applying the configuration you can check the pool information in the configuration file
# poolcfg –c info o pooladm
[... Long Lines of Output ...]
pset backup_pset
int pset.sys_id 1
boolean pset.default false
uint pset.min 4
uint pset.max 6
string pset.units population
uint pset.load 5
uint pset.size 12
string pset.comment
In the server with poolstat you can check the new pool (pool backup) with the maximun size that is 6 virtual processor, used and load
# poolstat
id pool size used load
1 pool_backup 6 0.00 0.01
0 pool_default 10 0.00 0.12
Configure the zone with the new pool created
# zoneadm list -civ
6 backup running /zones/backup-zone native shared
# zonecfg -z backup
zonecfg:backup> set pool=pool_backup
zonecfg:backup> verify
zonecfg:backup> commit
zonecfg:backup> end
zonecfg:backup> set name=zone.cpu-shares
zonecfg:backup> add rctl
zonecfg:backup:rctl> set name=zone.cpu-shares
zonecfg:backup:rctl> add value (priv=privileged,limit=6,action=none)
zonecfg:backup:rctl> end
zonecfg:backup> exit
# zoneadm -z backup reboot
# zonecfg -z backup
# zoneadm list -civ
0 global running / native shared
7 backup running /zones/backup native shared
Now you can login in the zone and check if you have the VCPU in this case 6
# zlogin backup
[Connected to zone 'backup' pts/4]
Last login: Mon May 11 12:47:09 from X.X.X.X
-bash-3.2# psrinfo -vp
The physical processor has 6 virtual processors (0-5)
SPARC64-VII (portid 1024 impl 0x7 ver 0x91 clock 2400 MHz)
-bash-3.2# exit
The Lines below are very interesting because you can change the pool on the fly and we can take from pool default until 8 vcpu
# poolstat
id pool size used load
1 pool_backup 6 0.00 0.01
0 pool_default 10 0.00 0.12
# poolcfg -c 'modify pset backup-pset ( uint pset.min = 4; uint pset.max = 8)'
# pooladm -c
# poolstat
id pool size used load
1 pool_backup 8 0.00 0.02
0 pool_default 8 0.00 0.18
IMPORTANT: Always think in the Global Zone, we will need per Oracle recommendation at least 4 VCPU this in the pool_default.