How to tie a system to a specific update Red Hat

1.Update Subscription Manager Package, validate first that system is registered
#yum -y update subscription-manager*

2.-Delete the Yum Cache 

rm –rf /var/cache/yum/*

3.-Clean with command to be sure that it was cleaned correctly

#yum clean all

4.-Set the release to tie teh Red Hat OS, where  you are working to the specific release to avoid to update for example from 6.6 to 6.8 Stable in this case.
These is usable if you need to have support and the application is only supported in a specific release

#subscription-manager release --set=6.7 --proxy=http://<ipaddress_proxy>:8080 --proxyuser=<proxyuser> -proxypass=<proxypassword>

or if you have Access directly to internet

#subscription-manager release --set=6.7

5.-Update the OS 

yum -y update
