How to Logical Volumes AIX OS

How do I increase the size of a logical volume?

To increase the size of the logical volume represented by the lv05 directory by three logical partitions, for example, type:

#extendlv lv05 3

 How do I display all logical volumes that are part of a volume group (for example, rootvg)?
You can display all logical volumes that are part of rootvg by typing the following command:
#lsvg -l rootvg

 How do I list information about logical volumes?
Run the following command to display information about the logical volume lv1:

#lslv lv1

 How do I remove a logical volume?
You can remove the logical volume lv7 by running the following command:

#rmlv lv7

 The rmlv command removes only the logical volume, but does not remove other entities, such as file systems or paging spaces that were using the logical volume.
How do I mirror a logical volume?

1. mklvcopy LogicalVolumeName Numberofcopies

2. syncvg VolumeGroupName

How do I remove a copy of a logical volume?

You can use the rmlvcopy command to remove copies of logical partitions of a logical volume. To reduce the number of copies of each logical partition belonging to logical volume testlv, enter:

 #rmlvcopy testlv 2
