How to manage AIX file system

Create a  file system with 10 Megabytes

#crfs -v jfs2 -g testvg -a size=10M -p ro -m /fs2

Increase or resize a file system

# lsvg rootvg
VOLUME GROUP: rootvg VG IDENTIFIER: 0004455666767777777777899990e
VG STATE: active PP SIZE: 128 megabyte(s)
VG PERMISSION: read/write TOTAL PPs: 579 (75672 megabytes)
MAX LVs: 256
FREE PPs: 282 (36096 megabytes)
LVs: 12 USED PPs: 317 (41576 megabytes)

# chfs -a size=+10M /usr

 Mount  CDROM

#mount -v cdrfs -o ro /dev/cd0 /cdrom

Mount  file system

#mount /dev/fslv02  /test

Remove a File System

#rmfs /test

Defrag a file system

#defragfs /home

