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Showing posts from April, 2016

How to Solaris SVM Metaset

Creating the metaset is a simple process. First of all we define our metaset and add our host to it. bash-3.00# metaset -s test -a -h avalon Syntax is pretty straightforward: -s is used to specify which metaset we’re using -a is the add flag. Guess what -d does? -h specifies the hostname which owns this metaset All metasets are owned by at least one host (it’s how they track who can access them). If you’re in a cluster environment, multiple hosts will own the metaset, allowing the cluster software to move the metadevices between nodes. For a single hosted metaset, however, we just need to add one host, and we need to make sure that it will automatically take ownership and import the metaset on boot. All we have to do to make this happen is enable the autotake flag on the metaset: bash-3.00# metaset -s test -A enable And that completes the setup of the metaset. We then just select which LUNs we’re interested in, and add them in to the metaset: bash-3.00# metaset -s test -a

How to configure AIX devices after symm(device) configuration change

In situations below, the disk devices will require re-configuration: 1. Converting SRDF from/to Non-SRDF device 2. Due to host failure or planned maintenance, RDF1 (R1) and RDF2 (R2) are swapped 3. Symmetrix FA ports attached to the host have sc3/sc2 bit set Before performing above change, proceed with following procedure: 1). Stop All running EMC Agents including EMC ControlCenter, Symmetrix, Storage Device Management Agents. 2). Stop all Applications use Symmetrix devices 3). Unmount the filesystems: # umount <Filesystem> 4). Vary off the volumegroups # varyoffvg <VGname> 5). Skipp step5 to step7 if no powerpath installed. If PowerPath is installed, you need to de-configure PowerPath: #powermt remove hba=all dev=all 6). Deconfigure the fscsi driver and hdisks: # rmdev -Rdl fscsi<n> 7). Switch off the Fibre Adapter: # rmdev -dRl fcs<n> After complete the RDF swap or changes listed above proceed with below procedure: 1).


HOW TO CHANGE HOSTNAME RED HAT LINUX 1.-Validate Hostname and host file that you need to change #hostname rhel #cat /etc/hosts  localhost  rhel 2.-Edit the following file in order to change HOSTNAME #vi /etc/sysconfig/network NETWORKING=yes HOSTNAME=TEST GATEWAY= 3.-When you are ready and you save the information you will need to edit the hosts file #vi /etc/hosts  localhost  test 4.- Finally you will need to restart de network services #service network restart #hostname test

HOW TO IBM GPFS General Parallel File System

HOW TO GPFS INSTALLATION AND CONFIGURATION     WHERE THE LOGS ARE LOCATED   /var/adm/ras DAEMON FOR GPFS # ps -ef | grep mmfsd     root 360580 409850    0 14:07:18       -   0:00 /usr/lpp/mmfs/bin/aix64/mmfsd64 en0: flags=1e080863,480<UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST,GROUPRT,64BIT,CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD(ACTIVE),CHAIN>         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast          tcp_sendspace 262144 tcp_recvspace 262144 rfc1323 1 # ifconfig -a en0: flags=1e080863,480<UP,BROADCAST,NOTRAILERS,RUNNING,SIMPLEX,MULTICAST,GROUPRT,64BIT,CHECKSUM_OFFLOAD(ACTIVE),CHAIN>         inet netmask 0xffffff00 broadcast          tcp_sendspace 262144 tcp_recvspace 262144 rfc1323 1 PORT #netstat -an | grep 1191 Install the GPFS product   It edit the /etc/inittab file adding the following lines guigpfs and mmfs # mount /mnt  (Install Media) root@AIX1 [/] # df -k Filesystem     1024